Tomorrow is going to be even more lovely than sitting in a chair for 3 hours with a needle in my vein: tomorrow is colonoscopy prep day. instead of sitting, I'll be s*itting...
Thursday is the easy day--I'll be all sedated for the colonoscopy itself, so that's the easy part. I can't tell you how nice it is now that all the baby boomers are hitting old age and having to get colonoscopies done--that means the techniques have improved greatly--my first few colonoscopies were WITHOUT anaesthesia...INCREDIBLY unpleasant, to say the least. Nothing like laying on a table while some guy shoves a camera up your ass...and up and up and up and *gurgle* ...
and then getting to watch it on the monitor...and seeing the little biopsy-bite-of-flesh-ripper come out and CHOMP a chunk of your intestine...
Oh, and the well broke yesterday.
Finally found someone who could come out this afternoon, and he was great! A good 'ole country boy, who had the well fixed before ttk and I could even get there. and it didn't cost us a fortune! About $129 bucks, actually. The worst part of the experience was not being able to have the guys work on the house today or yesterday, so everything is scooched back by 2 more days. Sigh.
On a somewhat amusing note, I seem to befuddle the remedial spell-checker that blogger uses--it doesn't like any of the medical words that I use with regularity. And it hates TTK's name. Heh.
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