Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Best Invitation I've had in Years...

"Hey, you wanna come to New Mexico for Christmas and slaughter a goat?"


This was from a friend of TTK's...

I find it wildly humorous that it occurred to his friend that we might be interested in this...
shows you that TTK talks a lot about me and my whole "homestead thing" I've got going.

TTK asked me this on the phone a few minutes ago...I don't know what TTK was expecting, but how many people do you know whose reaction to being invited to slaughter is to start cracking up?

"Hey mom, sorry I can't come for Christmas...I'm going to go to TTK's friend's house, and kill a goat."

Wow. He said that his friend's family is huge [jealous pang] and that he'll just pass us off as distant cousins.

My current bout of insanely painful and humiliating (more on this in a less cheerful post) colitis better be over by then!

If we're lucky, there will be so many people to feed that we'll get to kill a pig, too.
I already know how to process a chicken...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, I told him that people will just assume you're cousins. Ish's family is ginourmous, tho. If anyone asks who you are, we'll just tell them.

are the blog entries I wrote for the first time I actually went to one of these things. We did it again last year, but it was at ish's uncle's farm. This year will be back at ish's father's place.