Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Month?!!

Have I really not written for a whole month? I've been thinking about it, I swear--in my head I have posted at least a dozen times since March 27th...
We're in escrow again. Number three.
TTK's last day of work at the archive was March 31st...hey, I sense a correlation! He's been home 24/7 for all of April, and I've not posted for...all of April!

He got a new and fab-o job, though...He starts May 12. I'm not sure if I'm thrilled to finally have him out of MY space, or bummed that he's starting a job with more traditional 9-5 hours, in SF, and won't be able to help much on the whole prepping and moving. Actually, I'm a bit of both.

I was going to post about the house, but I'm just not up to it now that I see I haven't posted AT ALL about it...
it'll have to wait until it's not 3:30 in the morning when I'm waiting for the skunk to come back and get trapped in the Hav-A-Hart cage we have set up...